Tag Archives: short reads

Through Death’s Door Book Launch


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To celebrate the launch of this anthology from me and Natalie Rix featuring stories from over 20 different authors, we are having an online book launch on Halloween. We would love for you to be able to join us, where you’ll have the chance to hear more about some of the authors and win some books!

To join us, all you need to do is CLICK HERE and click going. Hope to see you there!

Book Launch – The Mutation Chronicles


Hey, everyone. On Wednesday 27th March from 4pm GMT, I will be holding a book launch on Facebook for my story, Contagion, along with the two other authors in the series. There will be special guest authors, games and lots of giveaways, including a giveaway of all three of The Mutation Chronicles books that are ready for release!

Special guest authors so far, along with me, Natalie Rix and Alanah Andrews, include:
Curtis Bausse
E.L. Giles
Marcus Turner
Fallacious Rose


You can join our event by clicking right here!

Hope to see you all there.

The Mutation Chronicles


Two months ago, three authors planned out a book series together online in a group chat. One of those authors was me. Today, the first three books in this series of short reads have been edited over and over again, and are finally up for pre-order!

Closer to the date of each release, I will publish the first chapter of that particular book. Until then, I will leave you with this picture of all three book covers and their release dates!


Pre-order The Faceless People by Natalie Rix here.

Pre-order Contagion by Lozzi Counsell (me) here.

Pre-order Exiles by Alanah Andrews here.

(Aff links)