Tabula Rasa Submissions


Monnath Books is thrilled to announce we are releasing a second, much-anticipated anthology!

The anthology will be titled “Tabula Rasa”. Tabula Rasa translates to clean slate, so we are focusing on the chance/ability/opportunity to start over and begin again. This is not limited to a particular genre.

We are open to submissions now and are hoping to close by March 1st, 2021, although we may push this deadline forward or back based on how many submissions we receive and how quick the acceptances fill up. There is no minimum word count, but the maximum is 5000, and we are only open to ONE story per person.

We are not currently accepting submissions for previously published works and will only consider edited stories; i.e., no first drafts! We will, however, fix minor details, such as typos, before publication. If you are seeking an editor to look at your story prior to submitting, Lozzi Counsell, who is a part of our team, is a copy editor. You can contact her through her website: (This is purely an unlinked, professional service that does not guarantee your acceptance in our anthology.)

All submissions & queries are to be sent to:


All submission emails must include:

• Your legal name and pen name,

• Your story’s title,

• Your story’s word count,

• ONE social media account that you’d like us to include in the anthology if you are accepted.

We will email everyone back after the closing date to let you know the outcome of your submission. If accepted, you will receive compensation in the form of a contributor’s copy (eBook) following publication of the anthology. The anthology will, however, be available for sale in both digital and paper form.

Just to reiterate, the email address to send it to is:

Happy writing!

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